Pigeon Handler Specialist Sylvia Tartas received only one message during her tour in Tillamook County, and it had nothing to do with the war.
The Pigeon Loft exhibit recently opened at the Tillamook Air Museum. The exhibit highlights the history of the United States Navy WAVES: Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service. These women trained homing pigeons that were carried on airships and utilized during radio silence in World War II. The WAVES oversaw a pigeon loft at Naval Air Station Tillamook.
Homing pigeons were not often used on the West Coast, so WAVES Pigeon Handler Specialist 2nd Class Tartas received only one message during her service. On a plaque in the exhibit recounts the message:
“What are you doing tonight, Red?” (asking her out on a date.)
It’s said that Sylvia later remarked: “Yes, I sure did go out with him!”
Tartas' anecdote along with several other photos and stories decorate the exhibit at the Tillamook Air Musem. The exhibit is open an and included with admission. Tillamook County residents receive free admission to the museum the third Sunday of the month.
A full story about the WAVES will be featured in the March edition of the Tillamook PUD Ruralite Magazine.